Finding your first attending medical job is an important milestone that may be both thrilling and a little terrifying. The number of individuals who want to hire you and the amount they want to pay you will pleasantly surprise you. In your job hunt, you will have a lot to think about, including academic or private practice, employment or partnering track, and region. Additionally, you’ll need to select the proper culture. The majority of the components of a medical contract are simple. You likely feel well-equipped to assess career opportunities based on compensation and perks. However, there are additional contract provisions that you might not have thought about or even heard of but which might be equally significant. The four typical contract clauses listed below might significantly impact your satisfaction and financial performance as a doctor. You might be able to negotiate some of them or perhaps all of them, but you should, at the very least, be informed of what you are agreeing to. Obviously, nothing in this article can take the place of legal counsel from an experienced… Read more “Questions to Ask During Physician Employment Negotiations”